Why am I being charged customs fees on my order?
  1. Our website states in the shipping information section that orders over a certain value may be subject to customs set by your local authority.
  2. We advise that you check with your local customs department to find out if taxes will apply to your order.
  3. If you do not wish to pay these charges, your parcel may be returned to sender, where we can then reship or refund your order.
  4. The website will not mark your package as a "sample" or "gift" to avoid these taxes.
I haven't received tracking information yet
  1. Our dispatch team works hard to ensure we get all orders out the door as fast as possible!
  2. As noted in our website shipping section "orders can take up to several business days to process before being shipped."
  3. Please remember that business days do not include weekends or public holidays.
  4. You will receive a shipment confirmation once your parcel has left us.
  5. We appreciate your patience!
Will my shipping costs be refunded if my order is "return to sender"?
  1. We receive return-to-sender parcels every day!
  2. If your parcel is returned due to this, unfortunately, your shipping costs will not be refunded.
  3. This is because our postal partners have still completed the transit service and attempted to deliver your order safely based on the provided information.
  4. If you would like your order reshipped to the correct address, we will cover these costs for you.